2024학년도 후기 외국인전형 및 일반전형(내국인) 면접일시 및 장소 안내 / Notice of Interview for International Students Admission and Korean General Admission for Fall 2024 Semester
- 글번호
- 389246
- 작성일
- 2024-06-10
- 수정일
- 2024-06-10
- 작성자
- 일반대학원
- 조회수
- 2229
연번 No. |
모집단위 Department |
면접장소/시간 Interview Place/Time |
1 |
한국어교육학과 Department of Korean Language Education for Foreigners |
비대면 / Online interview 13:00 |
2 |
영어영문학과 Department of English Language and Literature |
비대면 / Online interview 09:00 |
3 |
중국학과 Department of Chinese Cultural Studies |
15호관 434호 Building No.15, Room No.434 |
4 |
교육학과 Department of Education |
비대면 / Online interview (Zoom) 10:00 |
5 |
사회복지학과 Department of Social Welfare |
13호관 406호 Building No.13, Room No.406 10:30 |
6 |
행정학과 Department of Public Administration |
비대면 / Online interview (Zoom) 16:30 |
7 |
법학과 Department of Law |
13호관 427호 Building No.13, Room No.427 10:30 |
8 |
경영학과 Department of Business Administration |
14호관 102호 Building No.14, Room No.102 11:00 |
9 |
무역학과 Department of International Trade |
14호관 205호 Building No.14, Room No.205 09:40 (Foreigner: online interview) |
10 |
화학과 Department of Chemistry |
5호관 444호 Building No.5, Room No.444 08:50 |
11 |
생명과학과 Department of Life Science |
5호관 319호 Building No.5, Room No.319 13:00 (Foreigner: online interview) |
12 |
해양학과 Department of Marine Sciences |
5호관 530호 Building No.5, Room No.530 10:00 |
13 |
기계공학과 Department of Mechanical Engineering |
8호관 203호 Building No.8, Room No.529 14:00 (Foreigner: online interview) |
14 |
바이오-로봇시스템공학과 Department of Biomedical & Robotics Engineering |
8호관 529호 Building No.8, Room No.529 12:00 (Foreigner: online interview) |
15 |
전기공학과 Department of Electrical Engineering |
8호관 B동 217호 Building No.8-B, Room No.217 11:00 |
16 |
전자공학과 Department of Electronics Engineering |
비대면 / Online interview 14:00 |
17 |
산업경영공학과 Department of Industrial & Management Engineering |
비대면 / Online interview 11:00 |
18 |
신소재공학과 Department of Materials Science and Engineering |
비대면 / Online interview 13:00 |
19 |
안전공학과 Department of Safety Engineering |
8호관 C동 333호 Building No.8-C Room No.333 09:20 |
20 |
에너지화학공학과 Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering |
비대면 / Online interview 13:00 |
21 |
정보통신공학과 Department of Information and Telecommunication Engineering |
7호관 210호 Building No.7 Room No.210 10:00 |
22 |
임베디드시스템공학과 Department of Embedded Systems Engineering |
7호관 310호 Building No.7 Room No.310 개별통지 |
23 |
건설환경공학과 Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering |
8호관 220호 Building No.8 Room No.220 10:00 |
24 |
도시건설공학과 Department of Urban Construction Engineering |
28호관 321호 Building No.28, Room No.321 |
25 |
생명∙나노바이오공학과 Department of Bioengineering and Nano-Bioengineering |
29호관 511호 Builiding No.29, Room No.511 11:00 |
26 |
기후국제협학과(협동) Department of International Climate Cooperation |
28호관 306호 Building No.28, Room No.306 09:40 |
27 |
지능형반도체공학과(협동) Department of Intelligent Semiconductor Engineering |
8호관 411호 Building No.8, Room No.411 11:30 |
28 |
체육학과 Department of Human Movement Science |
16호관 315호 Building No.16, Room No.315 10:30 |
29 |
미술학과 Department of Arts |
16호관 203호 Building No.16, Room No.203 11:00 |
30 |
디자인학과 Department of Design |
비대면 / Online interview 14:00 |
31 |
공연예술학과 Department of Performing Arts |
16호관 315호 |
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